Invitation to Bid: Supply and Installation of Damilag-Laturan 69 kV Line, Supply and Installation of Power Circuit Breaker 72.5 kV (SF6) and Steel Structures, Supply and Installation of 20/25 MVA 69/13.2 kV Power Transformer at Casisang Substation

The Bukidnon II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) invites interested bidders to apply to bid for the following projects: 1. Supply and Installation of Damilag-Laturan 69 kV Line 2. Supply and Installation of Power Circuit Breaker 72.5 kV (SF6) and Steel Structures 3. Supply and Installation of 20/25 MVA […]

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Invitation to Bid: Supply and Installation of Damilag-Laturan 69 kV Line; Supply and Installation of Power Circuit Breaker 72.5 kV (SF6) and Steel Structures; Supply and Installation of 20/25 MVA 69/13.2 kV Power Transformer at Casisang Substation

The Bukidnon Second Electric Cooperative, Inc. (BUSECO) through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) invites interested bidders to apply to bid for the following projects: 1. Re-bid for Supply and Installation of Damilag-Laturan 69 kV Line 2. Re-bid for Supply and Installation of Power Circuit Breaker 72.5 kV (SF6) and Steel Structures 3. Re-bid for […]

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